You da one

Friday, February 25, 2011

HALO ! Im sitting in a school library with Elle right by my side. HAHAH ! Waiting for Kakak Melatah to kluar class pukul 5. Kalau tidak dah balek dah 2 hours ago tawuk ! hahah !

K first of all, you guys should know that my blog will never be dead. Kadang tu busy sesangat nk update.

Well anyway, to catch up whats going on these days .. Hmm first few weeks of 2011 aku matae ngn budak cine ni. Classmate sendirik. HAHA ! Name die Kengleong. Unfortunately 5 days later kte break. K i just tell you one of the reason why eh, die Over-control Fullstop Hahha !

Then .. 1 month plus later, i contacted with seorang insan ni bername Rusydi Azman. Sekali tersangkut dah .. hahha ! Yes, which means kte matae. Haha ! Soo far still going on. And the date falls at 18/02/2011. Saye sungguh sayang die. <3

However nowadays ni die perangai skit. Entah lah ape masalah die eh .. anyway thats all for now. I'll update soon ok !


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