You da one

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Phewh ! Atlast decison made. Trust me, it took alooot of courage to decide. Anyway, what is this about. OK, im actually confuse cause since my point of the nitec result werent enought to go to higher nitec, im not sure where to go. HOWEVER, i wanna continue school. So after alot and lots and lots of talking and straining brains off (with boyfriend encouragement and advice), i've made the decision.

So whats up ? I've decided to try my luck by just applying higher nitec courses. And while waiting for the result on 14Feb, I've decided to find a part-time job. Incase i still cant qualified to go to higher nitec, atleast i still had my job. Clever huh. Credits to my beloved MuhdHaikal. <3

Speaking about him, What about our relationship ? Sooo far its been 10 months. Still hanging on. He kept talking bout his snapbacks and working on his mixtapes. Wanted a Nike red shoe and a bag. Still with his swags ofcourse and definitely his arrogance. He is a very nice guy actually. Maybe he's just too obsessive with what he's doing now. Rappers and rapping. But thats fine. I'll support him no matter what, i hope. I wanted to talk to him about it, about his "over-confidence" and feeling high of himself isnt a really good idea. But i've once told him, "I should have just let you be who you wanna be cause im not better myself". Sooo yah. urgh drop the topic. bye

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